Friday, January 30, 2009

Quick Thoughts: Inspired?

This is going to be just a short post but I wanted to share some thoughts as the day is getting started. Very often we have terrible days where we let the bonds of being human drag our emotions through the mud. Further, when events happen to us, be it work stress, relationships, or our own thoughts (most of the time) it drags us back into this belief that this world is about us and serving our own purpose. We constantly need to remind ourselves that our lifetime is a small drop in the bucket compared to eternity and we should put aside our own self-interest to live out God's purpose. So, I will leave you with two thoughts that help put me in the right place. First, everyday is a new day. No matter how poorly yesterday went today is the dawn of a new chance to live our lives. Second, try to look at everyone you encounter with the same love you have for a brother or a sister. Recognize that they too have hurts and pains and see if you can ease their burden if only by listening. Then, and only then, will we be able to see them in a light of compassion. I hope you all have an inspired day!!

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